Our analysis is based entirely on objective, quantitative data. Thus, RapidRatings requires a minimum set of financial figures to generate an FHR.
To generate a rating, we require a Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement, and Cash Flow Statement (if your company produces one) for the two most recent annual periods, as well as the most recent interim period if available.
Please ensure that the financials include the line items listed in the table below. We also have a Financial Input Template available upon request that lists these line items.
Please also ensure the following:
- The most recent annual financials provided MUST be dated within the past 12 months.
- If you're a new company, we require at least 9 months of financials to be able to generate a rating.
Please check that:
- The financials include units (actuals, thousands, millions) and currency
- Currency is provided on the financials or as a note.
- The period start and end dates match across all three statements.
- The Balance Sheet date exactly matches the financial period end date found on the Profit & Loss Statement and Cash Flow Statement.
- The Balance Sheet balances.
- For US companies: Assets = Liabilities + Equity
- Non-US Companies: Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Total Equity. All assets and liabilities much be included, such as provisions, deferrals, accruals, severance indemnities. Please either include these in the totals, or provide them separately.
Please keep in mind that we are able to process financials in any language. Additionally, we can provide you with a country/language-specific Financial Input Template upon request if that is an easier route for providing the required financial data.